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9 Easy Ways to Treat and Prevent a Receding Hairline

Man smiling and wearing a white bathrobe with shaved sides haircut

Many of us go to extreme lengths to take care of our hair. Whether it's by curating the perfect haircare routine and wash schedule or going through an extensive trial-and-error process to find your best haircut and style; it's only natural to take pride in your hair game. So, if you then begin to notice a receding hairline, it can feel a little scary.

Of course, a receding hairline is nothing to be ashamed about—hair loss and thinning is way more common than you may think. While you may know you're not alone, we understand that it can sometimes feel isolating to navigate on your own if you're on a quest to regain your hair and thickness—especially considering the number of treatment options and misinformation out there.

So, to streamline all the information you need, we spoke to a board-certified dermatologist and a professional trichologist for professional insight. Below, they outline how to prevent a receding hairline, and how to treat it should you already be experiencing it. For everything from in-office treatments and LED helmets to the ingredients you should look for in your shampoo and conditioner, keep scrolling.

Meet the Experts

  • Penny James, IAT, IoT, is a trichologist and founder of Penny James Salon in New York City.
  • Ryan Turner, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist at Turner Dermatology in New York City.

What Causes a Receding Hairline?

“Hair recession can be caused by genetic predisposition, hormonal influences, and aging,” says dermatologist, Ryan Turner, MD. "Certain areas of the scalp are affected differently by androgen hormones such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT), leading to hair recession and eventual male pattern hair loss.”

If (and when) your body kicks this process into high gear will vary from person to person. So, if it hasn’t started receding yet, pay close attention to your hairline and act accordingly when it starts to budge. It never hurts to meet with a trichologist or dermatologist to understand which approach is right for you and when.

Can a Receding Hairline Be Prevented?

You cannot restore the hairs that have receded, but you can prevent future loss. Preventing a receding hairline might begin at the first signs of recession or years into the experience (to prevent it from going even further back). There is no correct time to start taking preventative measures (besides living a healthy life) since everyone’s predisposition to hair loss and recession is different. 

Can a Receding Hairline Be Treated?

Once the hair follicle is destroyed, new hairs can no longer grow; pills, supplements, lasers, injections, or topical remedies can only help maintain active hair follicles or prevent further hair loss.

When it comes to hair loss, recession is different than general thinning—particularly when it comes to the ability to regrow. “The scalp produces two types of hair growth and deterioration,” trichologist, Penny James notes. “The crown area has proven to respond very well to treatment, but the frontal area of the hairline is difficult to grow new hair.”

Dr. Turner offers a sharp perspective on the matter and suggests that many of us act too late on hair recession instead of paying closer attention to our crowns' density. So perhaps, at the first sign of hair recession, it’s not too late if you act quickly. “The issue is that the receding hairline often happens first, many years pass, and the hair follicles go completely dormant and may scar down permanently, so there is no potential for regrowth [at the hairline]," he says. "Whereas the crown may happen later, and if men seek treatment, there is still time to reactivate the hair follicles before permanent loss.”

How to Treat and Prevent a Receding Hairline

01 of 09

Consult With Your Doctor About Finasteride

Finasteride is the generic form of Propecia. “It blocks the enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone to DHT,” says James. In higher doses, finasteride is used to treat prostate issues, but it is prescribed for hair loss in 1 mg daily doses. Since DHT is the primary culprit for shriveling up your hair follicles, finasteride nearly eliminates rapid hair loss. (As you age, you will still experience loss, but far less drastically if you use finasteride.) 

But because finasteride comes with some major warnings, you can only have it prescribed by your dermatologist. “Anyone using finasteride should consult with their physicians about potential side effects of this medication resulting from the significant decrease of a potent male hormone,” says Turner. One infrequent side effect can be the loss of sex drive or even the ability to get erections. And secondly, as James points out, ceasing your finasteride intake will cause hair loss to continue at its original, natural rate. So, once you start, you should plan on continuing it, barring any side effects. 

02 of 09

Use Haircare with Minoxidil

Minoxidil, the generic of Rogaine, is available over the counter. Essentially, this topical solution (and sometimes oral supplement) increases blood flow and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles, keeping them stronger and healthier as long as you use the drug. It is especially effective on the crown of the head and can even revive dormant follicles (those that have failed to produce hair for as long as a year or more) and can, in turn, prevent them from drying up forever. This is why, after about six months of using minoxidil, you’ll notice your hair is thicker around the crown. That’s because your individual hairs are stronger and fuller, but also because you’ve likely revived a bunch of dormant follicles before it was too late.

“Minoxidil will increase the duration of anagen stage (the growth stage of each hair follicle),” says James. She adds this warning: “For the first few weeks of using minoxidil, you will experience a small amount of shedding. This is called telogen release. It is normal and will subside within three weeks.”

When used preventatively against hair recession, minoxidil can have the same impact: It can keep hairs stronger and delay recession. However, like finasteride, it cannot restore any hairs lost to recession. “No robust studies have determined the efficacy of minoxidil to the receding hairline,” says Dr. Turner. “But we understand it to have some efficacy there [in preventing loss] by increasing blood flow to the area.”

Typically, men should use the 5% topical solution, while women should opt for the 2% options.

03 of 09

Take Saw Palmetto Supplements

If you want a natural approach to preventing hair loss, James recommends saw palmetto. It can be found in some shampoos and conditioners and can also be taken as a vitamin supplement. “Studies have shown that this herb reduces the production of DHT from testosterone very similar to finasteride,” she notes. “Combined with topical minoxidil, it can be very beneficial.”

While studies can’t prove that saw palmetto is as potent against hair loss as finasteride, the results lean towards favorable. One study summarized an examination of 34 men and 28 women (18 to 48 years) with topical saw palmetto extract via lotions and shampoos for three months. This application “led to a 35 percent increase in hair density and a 67 percent increase in sebum reduction.”

04 of 09

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

It will come as no surprise that leading a healthy, active lifestyle will also significantly benefit your hairline. “Stress reduction is an important component to managing hair loss,” says Dr. Turner. Stress can come from bad behaviors, like smoking, drug use, alcohol consumption, high sugar intake, poor rest, dehydration, malnutrition, and more. You can even consider adding hair-friendly supplements to your regimen, many of which even target hair growth specifically. 

“Most of us are depleted in vitamin D,” James points out. “Vitamin D has proven to be very beneficial in helping with hair loss and strengthening hair. So are B-complex vitamins, which contribute to hair density and quality of the hair shaft.” And that’s to name a few. Dr. Turner adds biotin to the roster of good supplements (along with saw palmetto) since it can fortify hair and help it grow faster and stronger. He also tells his patients about the potential benefits of essential oil application: “Peppermint oil has some limited data that it may stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to the area. In addition, rosemary oil, lavender oil, and tea tree oil have limited evidence as natural options to help regrow hair for those looking for alternative options.”

05 of 09

Get Familiar with PRP and LLLT

PRP and LLLT are two next-level methods used to keep hair strong. They stand for Plasma-Rich Platelets and Low-Level Laser Therapy, both of which are worth inquiring about with your doctor if you're serious about gaining your hair back and have the cash to do so.

With PRP, a blood sample is extracted from the patient’s arm, and then it is placed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the blood. “Plasma contains certain proteins and growth factors that may help cellular repair and regrowth of hair follicles,” Dr. Turner says. This is why the plasma is then injected around the head to jumpstart hair follicles and boost hair growth and strength.

Then there is LLLT. “Low-level laser therapy is an emerging method to treat hair loss, as it may stimulate cellular regrowth and improve blood circulation,” Dr. Turner says. 

These technologies, along with other emerging techniques, can evolve quickly. They’re often quite expensive, too. So, it’s important to speak with your doctor about effective treatments that work for you.

06 of 09

Pick Up a Scalp Massager

For some—but not all—regular scalp massages can help increase hair growth. "Scalp massagers can cause mechanical stress on the scalp, potentially leading to alterations in gene expression," board-certified dermatologist Aleta Simmons, MD, told us, adding that they could lead to increased hair thickness.

07 of 09

Switch Up Your Haircut

It might sound minor, but you'd be shocked at how much your haircut can change how you feel about your receding hairline. Avoid too much length—which will draw attention to thinning strands—and instead, consider opting for shorter styles like crew cuts or buzz cuts.

08 of 09

Consider a Hair Transplant (Seriously)

If the hair is gone, the only way to fill that hairline back in is a hair transplant. And don’t let that scare you—transplants are much more effective (and extremely realistic) these days compared to the plugs of the past. Doctors can now implant hairs uniformly, densely, and at the proper angle of growth. They can also do so without leaving any scar tissue at the donor site (the rear of your head). While hair transplants can be expensive in the U.S., they’re much more cost-friendly—and every bit as effective—if you get them overseas.

And since they take the hairs from the rear of your head—hair that is not genetically designed to recede, thin, and fall out—the effects are lasting. Though, be warned: You will need to keep taking other proactive measures, like finasteride and minoxidil, to keep the rest of your hair full and strong.

09 of 09

Try an LED Light Therapy Treatment

Red and infrared lights stimulate collagen production and, therefore, can encourage hair growth when used consistently. Ask your dermatologist about in-office treatments, but there are also at-home devices such as Currentbody's LED Hair Regrowth Device ($859), which promises visible results after just 16 weeks.

The Final Takeaway

When it comes to hair loss—specifically hair recession—the best offense is a good defense. Stay proactive, and talk to your board-certified dermatologist now about your own specific scenario. They can prescribe or recommend the best methods for you.

  • I'm a teen. Why do I have a receding hairline?

    Hair loss in men is highly genetic—some studies have found heredity as accounting for around 80 percent of the predisposition to baldness. Those with a strong genetic predisposition to baldness can start losing their hair as early as their teens.

  • Do hair transplants last forever?

    Hair transplants are considered a permanent solution for hair loss. Note that in the first several weeks after the procedure, you'll likely notice the new hair shedding or thinning—this is totally normal. Your doctor will likely give you medicine to help you slow down or prevent the loss of new growth.

  • Should I shave my head if I have a receding hairline?

    That decision is totally up to you. Some studies suggest that around 60 percent of American men will experience some level of hair loss by age 35 (that number reaches 85 percent by age 50). And while many men opt for hair loss treatments such as those above, there is always the option of simply going bald. If you do, be sure to take care of your scalp with products such as moisturizer and SPF.

Article Sources
Byrdie takes every opportunity to use high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we keep our content accurate, reliable and trustworthy.
  1. Kaufman KD, Olsen EA, Whiting D, et al. Finasteride in the treatment of men with androgenetic alopecia. Finasteride male pattern hair loss study group. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1998;39(4 Pt 1):578-589.

  2. Suchonwanit P, Thammarucha S, Leerunyakul K. Minoxidil and its use in hair disorders: a review. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2019;13:2777-2786.

  3. Murugusundram S. Serenoa repens: does it have any role in the management of androgenetic alopecia? J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2009;2(1):31-32.

  4. Cervantes J, Perper M, Wong LL, et al. Effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma for androgenetic alopecia: a review of the literature. SAD. 2018;4(1):1-11.

  5. Koyama T, Kobayashi K, Hama T, Murakami K, Ogawa R. Standardized scalp massage results in increased hair thickness by inducing stretching forces to dermal papilla cells in the subcutaneous tissue. Eplasty. 2016;16:e8.

  6. Cranwell W, Sinclair R. Male androgenetic alopecia. In: Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Boyce A, et al., eds. Endotext. MDText.com, Inc.; 2000.

  7. American hair loss association - men’s hair loss / introduction.

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