Uncomfortable bloating is something that most of us are all too familiar with. Whether it's the result of a big meal, the telltale woes of PMS, or the looming possibility of a food sensitivity, one thing is for certain: The feeling of a tight, inflated belly that's sometimes accompanied by cramping can come out of nowhere and cause some serious discomfort and frustration.
The good news is that most bloating is treatable with no prescription necessary for sweet relief. (Though we'd advise checking with a medical professional to rule out any medical conditions.) And for some, it turns out a little movement may be all you need to, well, get things moving. Try these 10 yoga-instructor-approved stretches to help with digestion and beat belly bloat.
Meet the Experts
- Simon Mathews, MD, is a gastroenterologist in Baltimore, Maryland, and an Advisory Board Member for Vivante Health, which provides virtual GI care to consumers via their employer benefits package.
- Kali Mutty is a certified yoga instructor at IM=X Pilates & Fitness in Tampa, Florida.
- Jayla Pearce is a yoga instructor and the co-founder of vstudio.
What Causes Bloating?
"Abdominal bloating includes the sensations of trapped gas, abdominal pressure, and fullness," explains Simon Mathews, a gastroenterologist in Maryland. "There are many causes, including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, carbohydrate malabsorption, celiac disease, gastroparesis, irritable bowel syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction, and constipation to name a few."
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, certain foods are more prone to cause gas and bloating than others, including oligosaccharides (found in wheat, onions, garlic, legumes, and beans), disaccharides (found in lactose like milk, yogurt, and ice cream), monosaccharides (found in apples and pears, for example), and certain sugars found in most chewing gums and candies. Other common causes of bloating include gut sensitivity (also known as irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS), a condition called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), gastroparesis, which delays stomach emptying, and some gynecological conditions.
"Treatment for bloating can include lifestyle and dietary modifications, medications, and biofeedback therapy," says Dr. Mathews. "If you have other symptoms that accompany your bloating such as unintended weight loss, severe pain, blood in stool, fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, it may indicate a more serious condition that requires more urgent evaluation by your doctor."
With so many causes to consider, it can be difficult to pinpoint a one-size-fits-all treatment, especially when trying to alleviate the symptoms at home. "If abdominal pain is related to recent or prior musculoskeletal injury, then stretching may provide some benefit," notes Mathews, but it's not always an effective strategy to relieve bloating, so it can take some trial and error along with medical guidance to figure out the strategy that best works for you.
However, a combination of deep breathing, stretches that target abdominal organs, and twists that massage and stimulate the colon (a vital organ for keeping you regular), may relieve a wide range of digestive discomfort—think gas, bloating, and constipation. And the best part? With better digestion comes more energy.
Start in Wind-Relieving Pose ("Knees to Chest")
Amber Venerable/Design by Tiana Crispino
If "wind-relieving pose" wasn't descriptive enough, this reclined position gently releases tension in the belly and lower back while targeting the abdominal organs and easing digestion.
Lie on your back and pull your knees in to your chest, hugging them with both arms, like you do at the beginning of yoga class. "Focus on the feeling of contact between your thighs and your stomach, the warmth on your stomach, and use deep breaths to imagine relaxing and relieving any tension and built-up gas," says yoga instructor, Jayla Pearce. And don't forget to breathe.
Byrdie Tip
Get more "wind relief" by adding in movement. Gently rock from side to side, and rotate in a circle for 30 seconds in each direction.
Drop Your Knees to One Side for a Spinal Twist
Amber Venerable/Design by Tiana Crispino
"Twists are a great way to stretch the stomach area, give it more space, as well as massage all internal organs for less bloat," says Pearce. The rotation helps increase movement along the digestive system, essentially jump-starting any lag.
Lying on the floor, reach your arms out to a "T," and keep your knees and hips in line with each other as you lean both knees in the same direction toward the floor. Try to keep your chest and shoulders relatively square to the ceiling, but don't strain.
Child's Pose
Amber Venerable/Design by Tiana Crispino
According to Pearce, this pose uses your body weight to massage your stomach and bowels. She says, "By using the warmth of your body and gravity, you can help comfort upset bowels and bloating."
With your knees on the ground and your legs spaced apart as wide as feels comfortable, sit your butt back over your heels and lean your upper body forward with your arms stretched out in front of you. Keep your back straight, and rest your forehead on the floor or rest your head on an elevated surface like a pillow or yoga block as a modification. Hold for five breaths.
Seated Forward Bend Pose
Fizkes/Getty Images/Design by Tiana Crispino
All forward bends create space along the hips and spine by contracting the abdominals. The movement releases tension while the contraction serves as a gentle massage for the abdominal organs.
Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. With your back straight, gradually hinge forward from your hips, and lower your torso toward your legs as low as is comfortable. Extend from your hips and reach the crown of your head toward your toes, as opposed to your chin—if possible, latch to your feet.
Legs up the Wall
Banyan Botanicals/Design by Tiana Crispino
This gentle inversion encourages blood flow and aids with digestion. The pose employs the natural laws of gravity to release tension in the lower back and increase circulation.
Lie on your back, feet facing a wall. Inch your butt up against the wall, and raise your legs up to rest against it with your feet flexed and arms at your sides or wherever is most comfortable for you. If you have tight hamstrings, sit farther away from the wall, or place a bolster or long pillow beneath your lower back for extra support. The best position to be in is one where you don't feel the need to "hold up" your thigh bones.
Fizkes/Getty Images/Design by Tiana Crispino
"Lifting the chest and lowering the belly while inhaling gently stretches the abdomen while rounding the spine and exhaling gently compresses the belly," says Kali Mutty, a yoga instructor. "Deep breathing coupled with alternating stretching and compression soothes the stomach and aids digestion."
From your hands and knees on the floor, with your spine in a neutral position, inhale and engage your abs. Then exhale and drop your head while you round your spine, and imagine pulling your belly button up into your chest. This is cat pose. For cow pose, inhale, arch your back, and lift your head and butt. Draw your shoulders away from your ears. Switch between these two poses to warm your spine and release tension in your back and neck. To modify, stand up and place your hands on a sturdy, waist-high surface while cycling between the two poses.
Downward Dog
Getty Images/Design by Tiana Crispino
Another soft inversion, downward dog stimulates blood flow and may ease both digestion and lower back pain.
From a standing position with your feet hip-width apart, hinge forward with your back straight and abs engaged as you press your palms to the ground in front of you. Imagine creating a "V" shape with your body, heels pressed into the ground (though keep them lifted with knees bent if you have tight hamstrings), and try to pull your tailbone back and up. Draw your shoulders away from your ears, and keep your rib cage in. Hold this pose for five to 10 breaths. Feel free to position your feet as far back as is comfortable. For a mini-flow, you can pair this pose with child's pose and alternate between the two.
Standing Forward Bend
Stocksy/Design by Tiana Crispino
Similar to its seated counterpart, this position releases tension in the hips and spine while gently massaging the abdominals.
Stand up with your back straight and legs apart. Hinge from the waist, and round your spine as you reach for the floor. To modify, place hands on a yoga block or a waist-high surface. You should feel a stretch in your seat, hamstrings, and calves. Let your head hang heavy to stretch your neck, and reach your tailbone to the sky to maximize the stretch.
One-Legged Seated Spinal Twist
Getty Images/Design by Tiana Crispino
"Gently twisting and compressing the belly massages the digestive organs and increases circulation without putting strain on the system," explains Mutty. This is one of our favorites for delivering the sweet relief of a tiny chiropractic adjustment.
Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your right knee, and position your right heel as close to your body as possible. Straighten your back, then twist your torso to the right as you reach your left elbow to the outside of your right knee and place your right hand on the floor behind you. Breathe, then release and repeat on the other side.
Getty Images/Design by Tiana Crispino
Technically a backbend, this pose stretches and creates space in the abdominals. And by now you know exactly what space means: Movement.
Lie on the floor with your arms beside your body, and bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Make sure your knees and heels are aligned. Keeping your back straight, push your hips up from your heels, and feel a stretch in your chest. For a variation, try pressing up with one hip and breathe for five breaths, then switch sides and hold for another five breaths.