Fact or Fiction: Does Chocolate Actually Cause Acne?

Not all chocolate is created equal.

chocolate bar


Every other day there seems to be a cure-all skincare miracle that explodes on the internet, but there are also a handful of age-old tales that promise to reverse signs of aging and clear up your skin. For example, we've all heard that eating chocolate can lead to breakouts. However, in the same way we question TikTok skincare trends, we also question tips we've heard for years and do our due diligence to make sure we know the truth. So, when it comes to chocolate, we decided to ask experts whether or not this tasty snack could actually contribute to acne.

We know that the gut-skin connection is real and could account for the correlation between pimples and chocolate, but the science to back up the claim is varied. A 1960s study indicated that chocolate did not worsen acne over the course of four weeks. However, according to a report from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the study has since been called into question for methodological flaws. So, what's the deal?

Since we know our gut health can impact our complexion, we tapped a board-certified dermatologist and a top nutritionist to explain whether or not we need to modify our chocolate intake. Below, learn the complexities of the claim, why certain types of chocolate may be bad for your skin, and what types of food and drinks to incorporate into your diet for a healthy complexion.

Meet the Experts

  • Michele Green, MD, is a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist who specializes in the treatment of acne through a variety of modalities including skincare products, regimens, and laser treatments.
  • Serena Poon, CN, CHC, CHN is a leading chef, nutritionist, and reiki master, and founder of the method of Culinary Alchemy, which is a combination of education, integrative and functional nutrition, and healing energy.

Does Chocolate Cause Acne?

Acne is the most widespread skin condition in the U.S., affecting approximately 50 million people. From hormones to hygiene, there are many causes; but is eating chocolate one of them? According to Green, "There is no evidence that chocolate itself causes acne." But, not all chocolate is created equal. If you're eating chocolate that's full of corn syrup, sugar, fillers, dairy, and additives, you're ingesting things that can definitely contribute to a breakout.

Poon agrees, adding that "sugar, dairy, and processed foods can disrupt your gut microbiome, leading to skin problems. These foods have also been shown to be directly linked to some skin conditions," she says, including acne.

However, the main ingredient in chocolate is cocoa, which Poon says is "rich in antioxidants or flavanols," and can actually improve the condition of your skin. "The antioxidants found in chocolate are truly remarkable," she says. "Studies have shown that the polyphenols found in the cocoa plant possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, can neutralize oxidative damage, and can be helpful in protecting the skin from damage caused by UV rays." Poon points to the findings of a 2014 NIH study which suggest cocoa in pure form is beneficial to skin health.

Furthermore, she says milk chocolate isn't necessarily bad for you in moderation, but that it does tend to have more sugars, dairy, and fillers that aren’t skin-friendly. "If your main objective in eating chocolate is to boost your health, then you would want to choose the darkest chocolate you can find, without any additional ingredients," she recommends. That means skip the fillers (like toffee chips and crisps) and opt for organic, non-GMO varieties.

How Does Diet Affect Your Skin?

Today, we understand the link between eating a healthy diet and achieving a healthy complexion. Several studies have found that dietary intervention may influence the course of acne. These studies indicate that sugar and dairy are the main culprits when it comes to breakouts—in other words, foods with a high dietary glycemic load are the most acne-inducing. High-sugar and high-carb foods like white rice, white sugar, and white bread are absorbed quickly, leading to higher serum glucose and insulin levels. In turn, this revs up sebum production, as well as stimulates adrenal androgen synthesis and increases androgen bioavailability, all of which play a role in the formation of acne.

Casein and whey, the milk protein in dairy, releases a hormone that is similar to insulin, which, according to Poon, can disrupt the gut microbiome and also trigger inflammation and acne. Green agrees these foods can contribute to increased breakouts.

Best Foods to Eat for Clear Skin:

Green says a healthy diet may provide you with clearer skin, especially when it comes to the skin's moisture levels. Diet can also affect the collagen levels in skin, essential for what Green calls a "smooth and clear complexion."

Below, our experts share their favorite foods to eat to promote a clear and healthy complexion.

  1. Water: Hydration is crucial for skin health. "Your skin cells are made up of 70% water. If you are dehydrated, your skin will appear dry and listless," says Poon. Green adds that staying hydrated is one of the healthiest things you can do for your skin, the body's largest organ. "When you drink plenty of water throughout the day, you are replenishing your inner organs and skin with moisture that has been lost through sweat and other natural processes."
  2. Super Greens: Spirulina, chlorella, and wheatgrass are nutrient dense super greens rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, which Poon loves to for clear skin. We recommend the 8Greens Daily Greens Apple Gummies ($22) as they're vegan, delicious, and vitamin-rich.
  3. Citrus: Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen production.
  4. Açai berries: Because these are antioxidant rich, Poon says they're a great way to help protect your skin from oxidative damage.
  5. Matcha: Another great source of antioxidants.
  6. Dark chocolate: "Dark chocolate has amazing benefits for the skin, including protection from UV rays and free radicals," says Poon.
  7. Fish: According to Poon, fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which support hydration and may also protect against sun damage. Green agrees that "eating omega rich foods can be beneficial to skin wellness."
  8. Walnuts: If you don’t eat fish, Poon suggests walnuts as a source of skin smoothing omega-3 fatty acids.
  9. Avocados: These are high in riboflavin, which Green says provides elasticity for the skin.
  10. Lentils: A source of lysine, which Green says is a "building block in the synthesis of collagen and elastin."
Article Sources
Byrdie takes every opportunity to use high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we keep our content accurate, reliable and trustworthy.
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