Going out for a night on the town is so much fun...until you wake up the next morning with a crippling headache, seasick-level nausea, and unquenchable thirst after indulging in one too many drinks. Drinking in moderation (defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans as up to one drink per day for women, and up to two drinks per day for men) doesn't usually yield such results, but drinking too much has a lot of negative health effects, including depression, anxiety, liver disease, and high blood pressure—and of course the debilitating hangovers.
The only surefire way to avoid the negative effects of alcohol is to ditch drinking altogether. But if you're not ready to quit drinking and know you’re going to be having a few alcoholic beverages, there are ways to keep a hangover at bay. Eating a meal before heading out is a good place to start. Food keeps the alcohol in your stomach longer and slows the rate at which the alcohol is absorbed into the body, which means you'd need more alcohol to feel intoxicated (and hungover the next day).
“When you eat something before drinking, it slows down alcohol’s rate of absorption, so you don't get drunk as quickly,” explains Alissa Rumsey, a New York City-based registered dietitian. “Eating a meal that includes protein, fat, and carbohydrates is ideal, as this combination will fill you up and get absorbed more slowly.”
Now that you know eating is an important part of the equation, here are some of the best foods to eat if you’re going to be drinking alcohol.
Meet the Experts
- Alissa Rumsey is a registered dietitian based in New York, NY.
- Anthony Kouri, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo Medical Center.
Bananas are high in potassium, which is an electrolyte that plays an important role in muscle function, blood pressure, nerve function, and fluid regulation. Our bodies tend to lose potassium when we drink alcohol (especially when drinking excessive amounts), so eating potassium-rich foods prior to drinking can help boost the amount in your body. Spinach, avocado, potatoes, lentils, milk, and yogurt are also high in potassium and great to snack on before drinking.
Watermelon and cantaloupe are both great to consume before drinking because they contain a lot of water, which hydrates the body. Consuming melon and other hydrating foods can help prevent some of the dehydration that’s associated with alcohol consumption, Rumsey says.
Salmon is rich in Vitamin B12, an important nutrient that’s often diminished with alcohol consumption. It’s also high in protein and healthy fats, both of which may slow the absorption of alcohol into the body, according to Rumsey. For an excellent pre-drinking meal, roast some salmon and pair it with asparagus and your favorite whole grains.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is high in protein, which is digested slowly and slows the absorption of alcohol, according to Rumsey. In addition to protein, yogurt also contains fats and carbohydrates, making it a nutritious food that’s filling, provides lots of energy, and doesn’t cause blood sugar fluctuations, says Anthony Kouri, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo Medical Center.
“Alcohol tends to make us crave food, but this can be thwarted by a high protein snack,” he says.
Alcohol is a diuretic (to put it bluntly, it makes you pee) and can easily lead you to become dehydrated. For this reason, sipping a few glasses of water is one of the most important things you can do before drinking. In addition to drinking water, you can also eat water-rich foods like cucumber, strawberries, and lettuce.
High in protein, chicken may help slow the rate of alcohol being absorbed into the body. “Protein, along with fat and fiber, takes longer to digest which can help slow how quickly your blood alcohol level increases,” Rumsey says.
Eggs are another excellent high-protein food choice that may help slow your body’s absorption of alcohol. But the benefits don’t stop at protein alone. Eggs are also high in an amino acid called cysteine that plays a role in alcohol metabolism.
Avocado contains potassium, an important electrolyte that’s often diminished with heavy alcohol consumption. Somewhat of a nutritional powerhouse, avocado is also dense in healthy fats, which digest slowly to keep you full and may slow the absorption of alcohol into your blood. One of the best things about avocado is that you can easily add it to nearly any meal.
Some studies show that asparagus can be beneficial to liver health. “Studies have demonstrated that asparagus extract can improve markers of liver function in mice with liver damage,” Kouri says. He adds that asparagus also contains many antioxidants that may be able to repair damage caused by alcohol.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a good addition to any meal or snack before you head out for a few drinks. They contain potassium and other electrolytes, and they’re also complex carbohydrates, which means they take a while to break down and may help slow the absorption of alcohol in the body.
Sweet potatoes have other benefits too. “Research has shown that sweet potatoes prevent swings in blood sugar, which can prevent the overeating caused by drinking,” Kouri says.
Korean Pear Juice
People who consume Korean pear juice (also known as Asian pear juice) before drinking may experience less severe hangovers the next day, research shows. “Korean (or Asian) pears have properties that work on enzymes of alcohol metabolism, specifically alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase,” Kouri says. “This speeds up alcohol elimination from the body.”
But remember to drink your pear juice before your first drink. Sipping pear juice at the end of the night probably won’t help prevent a hangover the next day.
Containing a healthy mix of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, hummus is a great snack choice before drinking. It’s a particularly good option for someone looking to load up on protein from a plant-based source.
A big bowl of oatmeal might not sound super fun before a night out, but oats are an amazing source of both fiber and protein—two things that can help keep you feeling full and in turn, curb the ill effects of drinking. What's even cooler is that in animal studies, oats have been shown to protect against alcohol-induced liver issues .
Chia Pudding
Not only is chia pudding delicious and easy to make but it's loaded with nutrients that will help prevent a debilitating hangover. Chia seeds alone are an incredible source of fiber and protein (you can even add them into a smoothie before you head out if you don't want the full-on pudding), but pairing them with Greek yogurt can increase the protein, keeping you feeling fuller for longer.
Like melons, berries are incredibly hydrating—but they're also chock full of antioxidants. We already know that antioxidants are great for the skin and reduce the damage done by the sun, but animal studies have shown that blueberries increase the number of antioxidants in the liver, potentially protecting the liver against damage done by drinking alcohol. You can add berries to a smoothie, a cup of Greek yogurt, and into your chia pudding for a more complete meal.